Online Conference: Excellence in community neurorehabilitation
This is a cognivate event hosted by ABI Solutions and sponsored by TRURehab
20th May 2021
9:00am - 5:00pm
£75 + VAT
Price (25% discount available)
A high quality accredited event presenting the latest evidence and best practice in community neurorehabilitation. We hope that you will join us for this fantastic day of learning and take advantage of interacting with the speakers in our live Q & A sessions.
The aim of this conference/online training is to provide delegates with an up to date knowledge of the latest evidence and best practice in community neurorehabilitation – including clinical insights from leading therapists and services in the field, and insights into collaboration with wider medicolegal and charitable systems.
The day will be focused around three themes:
- Interdisciplinary working – with talks from leading clinicians in the fields of neuropsychology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary working to get the best outcomes for clients.
- Holistic Working – with talks from leading services offering strong holistic provision, presenting the latest evidence and best practice in community based programmes, vocational rehabilitation, family work, day patient and online programmes.
- Collaborative working – with talks on working in the medicolegal arena, working with the charitable sector, and a service user perspective on involving families in rehabilitation.
During the live event cognivate will also be launching a community neurorehabilitation network, which will be an opportunity for those working in community neurorehabilitation to network, share best practice and collaborate in an ongoing way after the day.
Can’t make it? No worries. You can access this training as an online resource package which will include the the recorded sessions & PDF copies of all the slides by using the booK now.
The benefits of this course being available after the event are:
- Complete the training in your own time
- Personalised CPD/APIL certificate for 5.5 points
- Unlimited time to access the resource
- Resources remain in your account forever to refer back to
Draft programme
Dr. Martha Turner, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Neuropsychologist, Cognivate
This presentation starts with a description of how I became interested in clinical psychology. After training at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, I came to neuropsychological rehabilitation from the field of learning disability where I was taught that if our patients could not learn, we were expected to find a way to help them overcome their problems. It was up to the psychologists, therapists and teachers to find a way, as no patient is untestable or untreatable. At that time, it was not the responsibility of the neuropsychologist to find a way around problems their patients might have. I was uncomfortable with this attitude, which has certainly changed now. I go on to reflect on my many years in brain injury rehabilitation, founding both the journal, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, and The Oliver Zangwill Centre. I stress the importance of dealing with the real life problems faced by patients and their families and consider how some countries with few or no rehabilitation services cope with the same difficulties.
Professor Barbara A Wilson, Clinical Neuropsychologist, The Oliver Zangwill Centre, Ely and St George’s Hospital, London
A plenary session on the theme of interdisciplinary working – including contributions from:
- Dr Shai Betteridge (Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist)
- Laura Slader (Occupational Therapist)
- Alex Heaps (Occupational Therapist)
- Jacqueline McIntosh (Speech and Language Therapist)
- Claire Salisbury (Physiotherapist)
- Chaired by Dr Michael Dilley (Consultant Neuropsychiatrist) and Dr Mark Edwards (Consultant Neurologist)
This session includes 5 presentations showcasing strong holistic services and an opportunity for Q & A chaired by Andrew Bateman, Chair Person, UKABIF
1. Interdisciplinary ‘outreach’ neurorehabilitation: Why and how it works
Nearly thirty years ago the Department of Health commissioned twelve projects across the UK to inform or trial post-acute rehabilitation for people with TBI. The RNRU Outreach Team at Homerton Hospital was funded to develop and evaluate a model service delivering interdisciplinary rehabilitation in the community. A randomised controlled trial demonstrated its efficacy and showed that gains were maintained at follow-up. An ongoing prospective evaluation has documented similar improvements in independence, social participation, and overall quality of life for clients with ABI of varied aetiologies. The talk describes key features of the interdisciplinary model, and how cognivate is extending this into the independent sector.
Jane Powell, CEO & Neuropsychologist, cognivate & Dr Richard Greenwood, Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery
2. Vocational rehabilitation after brain injury
Vocational rehabilitation (VR) interventions to assist people with brain injury to return to and remain in work or alternative occupation employment are a key component of community neurorehabilitation. The range of models of VR after brain injury and the process of vocational rehabilitation provided by the Community Head Injury Service will be outlined, focusing on “Working Out” (brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme), illustrated by a brief case example. Both inter-disciplinary and cross agency working is intrinsic to the development and provision of VR after brain injury.
Dr. Andy Tyerman, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Community Head Injury Service, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
3. Holistic relationship work and fragmented selves in community rehabilitation
To work holistically with survivors of brain injury must necessarily include a focus on significant relationships through which survivors define themselves – those with family, partners and friends. However both post-injury relationship strain and common trends in service provision can serve to fragment these relationships, and the self-experience of those involved.
Giles Yeates, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Rippling Minds
4. The Oliver Zangwill Centre intensive neuropsychological programme
This presentation will explore holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation and the factors impacting delivery of the approach, within the context of the intensive neuropsychological rehabilitation programme provided at the Oliver Zangwill Centre.
Leyla Prince Head of Service, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist/Family & Systemic Psychotherapist, The Oliver Zangwill Centre
5. Neuro-Rehabilitation on-Line (N-ROL): developing and delivering a virtual rehabilitation service using group based interventions. Treating people holistically at home.
This talk will describe the process of delivering a neuropsychological service as part of a wider neuro rehabilitation service for people with stroke and brain injury during Covid-19. The interventions included psychoeducational groups, psychotherapeutic groups for mood, cognitive rehabilitation groups and carer support groups. Reflections on holistic working will be discussed in relation to group based digitally delivered neuro-interventions
Dr Catherine Doogan, Clinical Psychologist & Senior Research Associate, UCL & UCLH
This session includes 3 presentations on collaborative working (including working with the medicolegal and charitable sectors, and a unique family perspective) and an opportunity for Q & A chaired by Harvinder Kaur, Senior Case Manager, Anglia Case Management Ltd
1. How to work collaboratively within an adversarial system
A short piece on explaining how to ensure that rehabilitation is delivered to a claimant in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both claimant and compensator. The role of the defendant insurer / lawyer in the rehabilitation process and how to avoid adversarial actions impacting on the aim of returning a claimant to his pre accident state ( as much as is possible ).
Malcolm Henke, Partner & Head of Large & Complex claims at Horwich Farrelly a leading insurance defence firm
2. Who are you now? Continuing to evolve the narrative of “self” following brain injury
This presentation will provide delegates with an overview of the Headway East London services together with practical examples and case studies of how our collaborative approach to neurorehabilitation creates an environment where survivors are supported to reach their full potential by valuing each individual members’ contribution towards our community goals.
Nora Brennan, Therapy Service Manager & Neurophysiotherapist, Headway East London
3. Extending the rehabilitation window – Unique perspectives on community and family rehabilitation.
Neurorehabilitation is a highly effective intervention, yet only 30% of people have access to specialist treatment. For those fortunate to receive it, the process lasts months. Yet, ‘recovery’ can often last a lifetime. This talk explores this issue from the end-user’s perspective and investigates how neurorehabilitation can be extended far beyond in/outpatient facilities and traditional community rehabilitation models
Dr. Ellis Parry (PhD), CEO of Neumind & Luke Parry, ABI survivor and advocate
Dr. Martha Turner, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Neuropsychologist, Cognivate